Hey, I'm Joseph
@jsphpndrI’m a web designer, developer, educator, and business owner based in Nassau, Bahamas. I’m passionate about creating websites that look great and perform even better.
I share what I’ve learned through writing about front-end development, teaching courses, speaking at events, and consulting with companies on web strategies and best practices.
This blog is my little corner of the web to share some things I’ve learned along the way and the occasional random thought.
Recent posts
Inlining SVG Files in HUGO
This site is built with HUGO. Wait. That’s not why you’re here. The thing is, I’ve been picking up a few things along the way[...]
The Need to Be Remembered
I’m going to die. No, I’m not sick. I don’t know if it’s today or tomorrow, ten years from now, or ten years after that.[...]
Stop Email Spam With Obscure.js Hide Your Email Address From Spammers
Did you know that spambots scan websites looking to harvest emails all the time? I didn’t. At least, not starting out. When I first started[...]